Medi-Map began as a solution to a local problem identified and widely acknowledged within primary health care, most notable in Aged Care. Paper systems to manage medications for people in care was not going to be the answer in the 21st Century. Medi-Map has quickly grown from a local solution to a national market leader in electronic medication management.
Working from a philosophy of a single source of medicine truth for all user groups, we created a cloud-based medication management solution that supports best practice in medication administration and documentation, but it doesn’t stop there. We also recognised the importance of providing prescribers with a user-friendly interface to chart and manage a person’s medication. In addition to this we created a pharmacy interface so they can get accurate and up to date information on medication changes for supply.
To help all users, group specific reports and audit tools have been developed along with online training resources.
Integration with other software providers is now part of the Medi-Map journey. Our integration platform will be instrumental in connecting to client management systems, pharmacy packing and dispense solutions, as well as prescriber practice management systems.
Medi-Map continues to focus on creating and maintaining quality user friendly software which enables the best outcomes for people in care.